Sacramento Real Estate Resource Guide - Sacramento County, El Dorado County and Placer County Realtors

Monday, July 3, 2006, 07:31 PM
25 Ways to Add Quality Content to Your Web Site
Using ideas that cover at least 25 different industries!
by Robin Nobles

Let's continue (from Part 1) with more ideas for ways to build quality content for your Web site.

See related link for more information ...

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 07:20 PM
25 Ways to Add Quality Content to Your Web Site
Using ideas that cover at least 25 different industries!
by Robin Nobles

We've known for a long time that quality matters to Google. In a post Senior Google Engineer Matt Cutts made to his blog, "quality" was mentioned several times as being important to Google. Quality matters when it comes to content, and it matters when it comes to links. However, building content and links doesn't have to be painful. Web site owners tend to think of content in a very limited way.

So, let's open up our creative minds and think of all sorts of ways of adding quality content to a Web site. A few things to remember:

You're only confined by the boundaries you set for yourself and your Web site. Allow yourself to think in a totally different way than you've thought before.

Your Web site content should be written for your buying customers . . . not for you. Your Web site content should not be written for the search engines. The search engines are not your target audience.

Think of the overall picture of your site, as if it were a living, breathing entity. After all, Web sites should continue to grow on a constant basis and nevėr be stale or stagnant.

See related link for more information ...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006, 06:02 PM
CHICAGO (May 11, 2006)
NAR Technology Survey Reveals Heavy Tech Investment By Realtors®

The number of Realtors® with Web sites has increased 129 percent over the past five years, and many of the sites display property listings, according to a new survey by the National Association of Realtors®.

The 2006 Realtor® Technology Survey, conducted by NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Technology, reveals that the Internet ranks third in generating leads, behind referrals and repeat clients, and ahead of community involvement. The survey also shows that there is a clear connection between technology spending and Internet-generated leads, and that getting leads from the Internet continues to grow.

See related link for more information ...
