Friday, August 4, 2006, 09:43 PM
Find out your home value in Sacramento, El Dorado and Placer counties: SacMetroHouseValues.compermalink
| related link
Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 09:29 PM
We are PLEASED to announce a *NEW and EMERGING* Sacramento Valley Real Estate and Realtor Resource
Serving the Sacramento Valley (Sacramento County, El Dorado County, Placer County)
. Online links to county resources (Chambers of Commerce, Local Government, Schools, Community Events)
. Search for homes currently on the market (MLS)
. Find a local Realtor
. Find a local real estate Resource (New Home Developments, Appraisers, Inspectors, Mortgage Companies, Home Stagers)
Become part of
. Internet Online Directory Services promoting you, your business, your website
. Internet E-Profiles of you and your business
We provide services to fit your needs
. Customized websites for Realtors
. Internet Search Engine Marketing
. Software development for Lead Management applications
Contact us for more information
1648 Manasco Circle, Folsom, CA 95630
Phone: 916-983-0426
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 09:26 PM
July 2006Search Engine Promotion: No Strategy. No Success.
By Frederick Townes
Whether you're planning the launch of your first site, or wondering why your site counter is actually moving backward, stop. You need a strategy to promote your site to search engines and to visitors. A plan of action based on five key factors, all of which should be weighed carefully before you take another step. Here are the five, most important considerations in the development of any search engine promotion.
The Site's Objectives
Market Analytics
Plan Your Presentation Layer
Promotion and Optimization
See related link for more information ...
Thursday, July 13, 2006, 06:15 PM
Boosting Your Online PresenceTips for Standing Out in a Crowded Internet Field
by Joel Cone
When planning a marketing strategy for your real estate business, it’s probably safe to assume that today’s potential clients are going to be at least as techno-savvy, if not more, than you. What can you do to keep Net surfers–with an array of options for finding real estate on the Internet–on your Web site longer and not clicking off after the first 20 seconds?
“Success in selling real estate on the Web is targeting, targeting, targeting,” says industry consultant Michael J. Russer, owner of Russer Communications in Santa Barbara, Calif. (and known in the real estate industry as “Mr. Internet”). “If you have more than one target market, then you need more than one Web site.”
That said, Russer ( believes that it’s good Web content, not fancy techno-gimmicks like Flash technology, that keeps those surfers on your site longer and allows you the opportunity to build your real estate business around the Web site.
“The public is becoming more discerning. They do extensive searching. What they are paying for is your knowledge of the area and your negotiating skills,” he says.
See related link for more information ...
Monday, July 3, 2006, 07:31 PM
25 Ways to Add Quality Content to Your Web SiteUsing ideas that cover at least 25 different industries!
by Robin Nobles
Let's continue (from Part 1) with more ideas for ways to build quality content for your Web site.
See related link for more information ...
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