Saturday, April 9, 2011, 10:44 AM
Top Ten Most Important Things To Do Before You Move:
1. CREATE A MOVING CHECKLIST Whether you realize it or not there can be numerous things that one would overlook while trying to make sure everything for the move gets executed. If you have a checklist available this will reduce the stress of trying to remember “What else did I have to do?” It can also help you to remember other things you might have forgotten about once you are brainstorming your checklist.
2. DE-CLUTTER! Who says it needs to be spring for you to do a whole house clean? De-cluttering can be a major ally in your attempt to move because it will make your move cheaper and it is more time efficient. Jeff Kaut and Associates are offering a one time movers special when you buy and/or sell with us: CLEAR THE CLUTTER PROGRAM!
3. HAVE A GARAGE SALE Not only will holding a garage sale help you get rid of any additional items, clothing, etc., but it will also give you a little extra cash in your pocket for the big move. If you are unsuccessful with the garage sale, there are numerous non profit agencies that will gladly accept your unwanted stuff. Goodwill and United Cerebral Palsy group are always eager to get items in order to help others. Goodwill has many drop off locations and UCP has pick ups, but make sure you are in the designated areas first. and can be helpful links.
4. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL How many times have you heard yourself saying, “Now where did I put that?” With diligent labeling this will not be a problem for you. Make sure to keep all related items in a box with visible writing allowing you to know what every box consists of. Also if you are loading the moving truck, put in the most valuable and breakable items last. Therefore when you arrive at your new home these items will be the first to be unloaded and placed carefully into their new respected spots.
5. COLLECT HIDDEN ITEMS These items can include a hidden key that you put in the backyard under that rock a year ago, or a wheelbarrow from the side yard. Hidden items do not always have to be on your property either. Spare keys are the notorious item to forget. They can be at a neighbors or a friend’s house, so be sure to collect them before the move.
6. ADDRESS CHANGE We suggest you make your address change approximately 3-5 days before the actual move. This way any expecting mail can be insured that it will be delivered to the new address. Keep in mind the new tenants may be doing the same so you most likely would not want to be mixing your mail. This key point also goes for informing your job, child’s school, doctors and pharmacy of your new address.
7. TURN ON ESSENTIAL UTILITES So it’s the day of the move and you are completely out of your old house and cannot wait to start unpacking. Not so fast, if you do not have lights, heat or air conditioning. It usually takes the utility companies a few days before they can get your essential utilities up and running.
8. LEAVE GARAGE DOOR OPENER Many times old tenants forget that they have their previous garage door openers in their cars. Double check all vehicles to make sure that you have left the garage door opener for the new tenant. This will save you another unnecessary trip.
9. ADEQUATE CHILD AND PET CARE There is nothing more frustrating than not having adequate child and/or pet care for the day of your move. New locations can be just as stressful to pets, so often times they will try to run away or bark incessantly; which would not be a very nice hello to the new next door neighbors. Since the move usually consists of a couple trips back and forth, it is difficult to keep an eye on the other members of the family. So make sure that you prepare for this ahead of time.
10. CLEAN OUT THE FRIDGE Often times when we move we are so focused on getting our household items packed up and out of the house, that we completely forget about the contents of the refrigerator. The new tenants will be extremely pleased to see that they do not have to clean out your fridge full of your old food and condiments that date back to 2001. If there is an ice maker, be sure to put it in the off position so it doesn’t overload with ice by the time the new tenant opens it. Also you can set the fridge and freezer to a cooler setting. This will help conserve energy that is so valuable to everyone.
Hopefully these tips and hints are helpful to you and your move. To hear more about our Clear the Clutter program visit Sacramento, CA Real Estate.

Saturday, April 9, 2011, 10:13 AM

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 12:57 PM
Finding a good real estate agent is essential to enjoying a painless real estate transaction. Good real estate agents should behave professionally and should have the knowledge to help you navigate the process successfully. You should never feel rushed or hurried by a realtor. They should create a market analysis before listing your house. Good agents will give tips on how to improve the marketability and enhance the house for sale. Real estate agents should discuss the location, condition and give other tips and recommendations. One of the most important characteristics of a good realtor is that he or she goes the extra mile, like keeping you posted on your sale or answering the phone with a smile in their voice.Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 05:29 PM

Here are the 10 biggest bank failures, by assets, of the current crisis:
1) Washington Mutual - Seattle - $307,000,000,000
2) IndyMac Bank - Pasadena, Calif. - $32,000,000,000
3) Colonial Bank - Montgomery, Ala. - $25,000,000,000
4) Guaranty Bank - Austin, Texas - $13,000,000,000
5) BankUnited, FSB - Coral Gables, Fla. - $12,800,000,000
6) Downey S&L, F.A. - Newport Beach, Calif. - $12,800,000,000
7) Corus Bank, National Association - Chicago - $7,000,000,000
8) Franklin Bank - Houston - $5,100,000,000
9) Silverton Bank, NA - Atlanta - $4,100,000,000
10) PFF Bank & Trust - Pomona, Calif. - $3,700,000,000
To learn more about the FDIC's safety net, read BankRate Special section.